Bioflex Laser Therapy
Bioflex Laser Therapy.Laser therapy, also known as Low-Intensity Laser Therapy (LILT), Photobiomodulation, Cold Laser, is the use of monochromatic light emission from a low intensity laser diode (250 milliwatts or less) or an array of high intensity Super Luminous Diodes (providing total optical power in the 1000-2000 milliwatt range) to treat musculoskeletal injuries, chronic and degenerative conditions and to heal wounds. The light source is placed in contact with the skin allowing the photon energy to penetrate tissue, where it interacts with various intracellular biomolecules resulting in the restoration of normal cell function and enhancement of the body’s healing processes. The BIOFLEX® Professional Therapy Systems are designed and manufactured in Canada and approved by Health Canada and FDA. Benefits of Bioflex Laser
The technology is non-invasive, non-toxic, and is currently utilized in many countries world-wide.
Most Common Applications?Musculoskeletal Injuries The most common applications are muscle strains, ligament sprains, tendinopathies, cartilage tears bursitis and other injuries to the musculoskeletal system. Whether it’s a sports injury, overuse condition, or an accident, the goal of treatment is to accelerate the healing process and decrease symptoms which allows the clinician to initiate manual and exercise therapies much sooner. Wound Healing BIOFLEX Laser Therapy has been proven to accelerate surgical wound healing, dermal ulcers, diabetic lesions and all other recalcitrant wounds. This results in increased angiogenesis, neovascularization, collagen secretion and decreased inflammatory exudate and provides epithelization of the wound, improved arterial perfusion and, regeneration of the local and regional tissues. Arthritis Chronic progressive forms of joint degeneration can be effectively managed with BIOFLEX Laser Therapy. All of the arthritis from early to late stages will respond to treatment resulting in decreased pain, inflammation, stiffness and edema. Research has even shown repair and regeneration of eroded hyaline cartilage when exposed to Laser Therapy. Nerve Healing From diabetic neuropathy to discogenic radiculopathy to carpal tunnel syndrome, BIOFLEX Laser Therapy can accelerate nerve healing and decrease paraesthesia and nerve pain as a result of direct absorption of light. Many peers reviewed clinical trials and lab studies have proven Laser Therapy is an effective therapy for nerve healing and has no known side effects. And many other concerns There are many other benefits of Bioflex, book your free consultation to see how Bioflex can help you. |
What are the best treatments for Bioflex?Compared to traditional treatment, patients recover from musculoskeletal and peripheral nerve injuries with less scar tissue, accelerated cell regeneration, and improved function.
The potential for medical application of low intensity lasers exists in a great number of medical fields. The musculoskeletal problems most effectively treated are: General
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